BASF TURK HEADQUARTERS is located at Nidakule Ataşehir North Building. It is Gold Certified in LEED v4 Interior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors category. Many environmental features have been implemented to project at design and construction stages to ensure an optimal and healthy working environment to its employees.
Site features such as diversity of uses, proximity of public transportation, reduced parking and bicycle parking options had effected building selection. Nidakule Building as a LEED Gold Certificate candidate, has been designed regarding energy efficiency issues with high performance envelope and HVAC systems.
The project’s architectural, mechanical and electrical system design, material and equipment selections are made according to sustainable criteria. By selecting high efficient mechanical equipment, lighting fixtures and water fixtures, energy and water consumptions are reduced. Lighting energy savings are nearly 30%. Water use is reduced by more than 30% by using efficient fixtures. More than 50% of materials are low emitting materials with low chemical contaminants. Indoor air quality level is achieved by %30 increased ventilation. In addition, open office planning enables visual comfort to building users at 75% of regularly occupied spaces.
Significant Green Features
- Access to public transportation
- Water savings
- Lighting energy savings
- Efficient HVAC design
- Materials with low impact to environment
- Materials with low emissions
- Open office planning enabling views
- Lighting quality