Green Buildings

ENVISION Consultancy

Envision is an easy to use, flexible resource that facilitates the development and maintenance of sustainable infrastructure. It provides value at every step of the process—from the earliest planning stages throughout operations.

The Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system is a comprehensive framework of 60 sustainability criteria that address the full range of environmental, social, and economic impacts to sustainability in project design, construction, and operation. These criteria—called “credits”—are arranged in five categories: Quality of Life, Leadership, Resource Allocation, Natural World, and Climate and Risk. The full Envision guidance manual detailing the credits is provided at no cost to users.

Envision recognizes that sustainable infrastructure isn’t just about doing the project right, it’s also about doing the right project. To determine the right project, Envision can be used in the earliest planning phases to evaluate infrastructure sustainability options that can result in significantly better outcomes. To do the project right, during the design and construction phases Envision provides a detailed, comprehensive set of criteria that help ensure that all significant areas of impact, as well as stakeholder views, are considered. Last but not least, when the project is complete, Envision serves as a basis for a project sustainability evaluation, helping stakeholders understand exactly how the project succeeded.

Envision is an indispensable tool that can be used for infrastructure projects of all types, sizes, complexities, and locations. It provides valuable insights that help the project design team achieve higher levels of sustainability at each step of the process—from assessing costs and benefits over the project lifecycle to evaluating environmental benefits and using outcome-based objectives.

Envision also allows individuals to increase the level of personal impact they can have on projects’ sustainability—and in the process, increase their value to not only their organization but their broader community as well. They also have the opportunity, once they have been trained in the use of Envision, to be credentialed by ISI as an Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP), an indication of their commitment to excellence in their profession.

Benefits for users and other stakeholders

One of the keys to Envision’s impact is that it provides a shared, transparent framework for conceiving and planning sustainable infrastructure projects. Its flexible design allows it to function either independently or alongside other sustainability planning and rating systems, including USGBC LEED and various “black box” solutions.

Envision also helps infrastructure owners and designers engage more meaningfully with members of the public and other stakeholder groups. Its comprehensive scope helps ensure that all appropriate aspects of a project are considered, while its plain language descriptions increase public understanding of challenging concepts.

Altensis provides Envision Engineering and Consultancy servies by providing know- how and experience with its team of  accredited Envision SP’s (Sustainability Providers).
