Sustainability Performance Management
Data and Indicator Management
Due to all daily activities environmental impacts are generated. The impact of the products used or services procured on the climate change can not be disclaimed. Looking at the environmental impacts at enterprise level, every enterprise generates waste and emissions according its sectoral activity. Every enterprise has different environmental impacts to its corporate activities and / or due to its operational activities. These environmental impacts need to be monitored and assessed. The risks, which can occur to these environmental impacts should be foreseen and integrated to the financial development and growth strategy. This integration will then serve for improvement of the vision and ensure the market place of the enterprise.
In order to turn sustainability into advantage it is necessary to look and assess all the operations and the supply chain in terms of the three fundamental aspects (social, economic, environmental). For this purpose, indicators, necessary tools for performance management, can be defined and integrated to the quality and environmental management systems. The main indicators for an organization performing operations can be specified as following: energy consumption, raw material, water and resource use, green house gas emissions, waste generated, social impacts, impacts to working conditions and employees’ health, safety of work, socio–economic impacts on all stakeholders. Through monitoring of these indicators, potential risks and opportunities can be identified so that organizations can benefit from designation of enhancement and differentiation potentials.